THE owner of a popular fish and chip shop has spoken of the dramatic scenes that unfolded as a fire broke out at the business

Firefighters were called to Doyle's Fisheries, on Otley Road in Shipley, on Sunday morning.

West Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service told the T&A crews dealt with a blaze involving a chip range.

In a post on Facebook, owner Paul McNicholas said he heard about the fire through a friend who alerted him to it via a phone call.

He rushed to the scene and said it became apparent that his dad was in the shop at the time of the fire and had tried to put it out.

Mr McNicholas said his dad was taken to hospital and had to be put on a drip.

On Monday, a post from Mr McNicholas on the Doyle's Fisheries Shipley Facebook page, read: "Hi everyone, I have just got back from the shop and really feel like I have to tell you all about the events that happened over the weekend.

"On Sunday morning, I received a phone call from a mate of mine saying do you know your shops on fire!

"I ran out of my house and drove to my shop. Fire engines, police cars and ambulances all over.

"After talking to the police, it became apparent that my dad was in the shop when the fire started.

"The stubborn old get refused to come out of the shop until he put the fire out but thank god the police told him otherwise, he got taken to hospital for a check-up, they put him on a drip and he was out a couple of hours later."

He added: "The shop is in a bit of a mess at the moment but I’m grafting hard to get it sorted. The range engineers are coming in the morning to assess the damage and I can only take it from there!

"I am truly humbled by the support that has been shown by my customers, friends and family.

"The local small businesses that have messaged me and have come to my shop have had me in tears.

"I would like to thank our local police that were brilliant, our local fire crew that probably saved my dad’s life, and the ambulance service for looking after my dad.

"Thanks to all my family for helping me clean all the mess up!

"We will get back open soon."