A DOCUMENTARY exploring the murder of a much-loved pregnant woman who was killed by her abusive husband has been shortlisted for a top award.

Fawziyah Javed, 31, who lived in Pudsey, and her unborn child died after she was pushed from Arthur's Seat, Edinburgh, in September 2021.

Kashif Anwar, 29, from Leeds, was found guilty of the murder after a trial at the High Court in Edinburgh.

He was given a life sentence and ordered to serve at least 20 years behind bars.

A two-part Channel 4 documentary called The Push was granted rare access to film the trial at the High Court, and it aired earlier this year. 

It has now been announced The Push has been shortlisted in the Best Documentary Series category for the Grierson Trust's 2024 British Documentary Awards.

Anna Hall, director of The Push, said she was "utterly delighted". 

The Push is up against 15 other productions, including Miners' Strike 1984: The Battle for Britain, American Nightmare, and Lockerbie.

The shortlisted productions will now go on to be judged by category juries who will decide the four nominations and winner in each.

The awards ceremony will take place at the Roundhouse in London on November 6.