A SCHOOL uniform recycle shop is launching in Bradford to help families who struggle to afford clothes.

The shop will officially open at Holme Wood's TFD Centre and Bradford South Family Hub on Thursday. 

People will be able to pick up second-hand school uniforms or donate uniforms they no longer need.

Donations needed include polo shirts, shirts, blazers, jumpers, cardigans, trousers, skirts, shoes and trainers.

The shop, which is run by volunteers, will be open at the following times over the summer: 1.30pm to 3.30pm on Thursday; 1pm to 3pm on August 1; 6pm to 8pm on August 8; and 3pm to 5pm on August 15. 

The service has been set up following a suggestion from residents.

It has been led and developed by residents with support from Holme Wood Together and OutLoud, and the service has been made possible with funding from Bradford Council and West Yorkshire Police.

Councillor Kamran Hussain, portfolio holder for neighbourhoods and community Safety at the Council, said: "Unfortunately, the cost of school uniforms is difficult to meet for many families, so support like this is a very welcome resource.

"Thank you to those who have set this up and to the volunteers who are going to give up their spare time to help run it."