A BRADFORD primary school is celebrating after receiving its best SAT results to date.

Beckfoot Allerton Primary School, in Garforth Street, Allerton, is continuing to show radical improvements under the leadership of headteacher Michelle Blanchard MBE.

As another school year comes to an end, parents, staff and pupils have expressed their gratitude to their headteacher “who has worked tremendously hard in improving things for all our children.”

Ms Blanchard’s high expectations and inspirational staff have helped Key Stage 2 SATs results to improve by 20 per cent in just three years, a testament to the teachers and staff working at Beckfoot Allerton Primary.

“I have worked with Beckfoot Allerton for three years, and in that time seen the teaching improve dramatically," said Alison Philipson, a literacy consultant at AP Literacy.

"Every teacher at Beckfoot Allerton wants their children to succeed, and this is reflected in the way they talk passionately and knowledgeably about what their children can do and what they need to do next.”

Beckfoot Allerton’s dedication to ensuring staff receive high quality teacher training and opportunities for professional development has allowed students to make rapid progress.

Having guided four apprentices to qualified teacher status, Beckfoot Allerton are helping to shape the future of teaching in Bradford, and guide Allerton’s young people to achieve success.

“The standard of training and resultant teaching is of an exceptionally high standard; it was a pleasure to spend time at Beckfoot Allerton with their apprentices," said Sean Norton, of E-Qualitas teacher training.

"Ms Blanchard’s relentless new approaches to parental engagement has allowed Beckfoot Allerton to become a key part of their community. Using varied approaches of communication based on family feedback, Ms Blanchard has helped contribute to a cohesive and supportive community who feel pride in their school.

“The staff at Beckfoot Allerton are amazing. My son is thriving thanks to the school’s support, passion, and dedication. They have a very talented team behind such a strong leader, and I’m so proud to have my children here.”

As part of the Beckfoot Trust, Beckfoot Allerton aims to continue its journey of improvement and make pupils, parents and the community proud.

A spokesperson for the Beckfoot Trust said: “We are delighted that Beckfoot Allerton are now providing an excellent education for the community they serve. Michelle is a highly experienced and talented head, and we are fortunate to have attracted her to work with us to create remarkable schools.”