PROPOSALS to turn a vacant pub into apartments have been approved – despite planners acknowledging that the loss of the once popular venue was “regrettable.”

The Fleece Inn in Clayton shut in 2023, and plans to turn the building into three homes was submitted earlier this year.

Those application has now been approved, with planners saying there was no reason to let the building stay empty when a developer had put forward an acceptable plan to re-use it.

The plans, by Patchett Homes, said: “The proposed dwellings are designed to preserve the character and charm of the existing building. 

“By retaining and repurposing the existing building features, the dwellings seamlessly blend modern living spaces with the historic charm of the Fleece Inn, contributing positively to the architectural heritage of the local area while meeting the evolving housing needs of the community.”

It added: “Without the applicant's commitment and investment, the property is at risk of remaining vacant and falling into disrepair.

“Converting it into residential units not only meets the demand for housing but also ensures the preservation of the building's integrity.

“By repurposing the property, this will revitalise the area, bringing new life to a disused space and contributing positively to the local community.

“It's a practical solution to an existing problem, offering much-needed housing options while preventing the decline of a significant local asset.

“Wherever practical, local labour and contractors will be used for the construction works. This not only fosters community involvement and support but also reduces the carbon emissions associated with transportation and commuting, thereby contributing to a more sustainable construction process overall.”

There had been no objections to the plans, which were approved by planning officers earlier this week.

Acknowledging that the plans would lead to the loss of another Bradford pub, they said: “Although the loss of the public house is regrettable, it would not be sustainable to allow the building to remain vacant when there is a feasible use proposed, which would make a modest contribution towards the housing need of the district.

“It is evident that there is need for further housing within this immediate area.

“There are good transport links as the site is nearby to bus stops that regularly commute towards the town centre.

“Although no designated off-street car parking spaces have been shown on the proposed plans, it is not deemed that the proposed use would significantly impact on parking and highway safety given the previously established use as a public house.”