THE annual Ashura procession was held in Bradford this week.

The procession, attended by scores of people, takes place along Great Horton Road each year.

It falls on the 10th day of Muharram – the first month of the Islamic calendar. This year, that was Wednesday, July 17. 

For Shia muslims, Ashura is a day of mourning, marking the martyrdom of Imam Husayn ibn Ali, who was the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad.

Georgi Majid, founder of Global Peace Journey, explained, said: “The peaceful procession marks this day and includes people of all backgrounds and age.

“Those who take part in the procession wear black in respect of the sad day.”

He said people read sombre poems and take out flags, plus replicas of shrines that are in Iraq, in remembrance of Imam Husayn, his family, and companions.

Georgi said for him, the day brings people of all backgrounds together and added: “It teaches me to be patient, righteous, brave, to not accept humiliation and injustice, to be just and to be kind to all.”

For Sunni muslims, Ashura marks the day that Prophet Nuh (Noah) disembarked from the ark, as well as the Prophet Musa (Moses) parted the Red Sea. 

The day is marked with fasting and special prayers in mosques.