SEVERAL vehicles have been seized by police during a crime crackdown in Bradford.

Officers carried out a day of action targeting traffic offences in the Lidget Green and Great Horton areas.  

As part of the operation, police seized a number of vehicles, including a BMW which was believed to have been stolen.

A number of drivers were issued with tickets for a range of offences, including driving without insurance or a licence and failure to wear a seatbelt.

Several tickets were handed out for vehicles parked on single and double yellow lines, and officers also carried out speed checks in the area.

A spokesperson for West Yorkshire Police said: "We followed up on several residents' concerns around obstructive parking and traffic violations, as well as the annoyance caused by quads and off-road bikes.

"As part of this operation, we have demonstrated our commitment in tackling issues which are impacting local communities within the Bradford south area.

"The operation links in with the ongoing Operation Spotlight which focusses on the Fatal Five traffic offences during the month of July.

"We will continue carrying out similar days of action moving forward."