AN 'inadequate' Bradford school is making progress but more work is still needed, a recent Ofsted visit has revealed. 

Bradford Forster Academy, on Fenby Avenue in Cutler Heights, received the lowest possible rating following an inspection in March 2023.

Since then, inspectors have conducted two monitoring visits, one in January and one in June.

Each visit concluded that "leaders have made progress to improve the school, but more work is necessary for the school to be no longer judged as requiring special measures". 

The findings of the latest visit have now been published by the education watchdog.

Following a two-day inspection, the school was commended by Ofsted for its work across teaching, learning, and its pastoral offer, with staff described as “determined and united in their efforts to improve school”.

A particular area of improvement highlighted was “much improved” pupil attendance - which is five per cent higher than the last academic year.

Attendance improvements were attributed to "staff’s raised expectations" and "pupil’s increased motivation to attend".

Inspectors acknowledged the strides in this area were so significant that Bradford Forster Academy was being approached by other schools to share "its expertise in improving pupils’ attendance".

Pupil behaviour was also praised with inspectors highlighting how “students wore their uniform with pride”.

The report added that the school "has almost eliminated internal truancy”. 

Gemma Earles, Principal of Bradford Forster Academy, said: “I am so proud of all the staff and students who attend Bradford Forster Academy.

"Bradford Forster Academy really is a community school where staff and students alike look out for and care for each other."

She added: "Today’s successes highlight the steep improvement trajectory that the school is on and that we all have a part to play in ensuring the very best for our students.

"I am looking forward to the next stage in our journey.”

Carol Dewhurst OBE, chief executive of Bradford Diocesan Academies Trust, which runs Bradford Forster Academy, added: “Bradford Forster Academy is a school on a remarkable improvement journey highlighted by the improved student attendance, improved behaviour and the improved quality of teaching and extra-curricular activities being delivered day in and day out.

"I am pleased to note that inspectors recognise that by all of us – parents, staff, student, school leaders, governors, and the trust - pulling in the same direction, the only way is up for this continually improving school”.