A CRICKET club is due to get new training nets after a successful bid for support from national cricket bodies.

The three-lane cricket nets will be installed at the home of Hepworth and Idle Cricket Club, on Westfield Lane, if a new planning application is approved.

The nets were once located at Park Avenue Cricket Club’s grounds – but have been in storage since they were replaced in a major upgrade of facilities of that ground.

A planning application to install nets on the Westfield Lane site has been submitted to Bradford Council by the club.

The plans say: “The proposed three-lane training nets are the result of a successful bid from the club and Bradford Council to Yorkshire Cricket Board and England and Wales Cricket Board who offer ‘relocation projects’ for cricket facilities.

“In this case, the nets (that used to belong to Park Avenue Cricket Club) have been dismantled and are currently in paid storage and are awaiting installation at the club.

“Provision of these nets will provide an all-weather training facility for the cricket teams and will avoid damaging any of the match day playing surface.

“By adding the nets we will be enlarging the sports area and increasing the time period that cricket can be played on site.”

A decision on the application is expected in August.