SALTS Tennis Club celebrated its centenary with a special function.

Held at the weekend, the event at the Saltaire club was well attended by members, ex-members and their guests.

"Members who have retired from tennis turned up to help current members celebrate," said the club's chairman/secretary Jim Dyer

A special tennis-themed cakeA special tennis-themed cake

Special guests included former president of Yorkshire Lawn Tennis Association Liz Wilson. "We have known Liz since the late 1970s. She has been involved with helping the club through some difficult times, especially the floods of 2015," said Jim.

They also included former MP for Shipley Philip Davies and his partner MP Esther McVey. "I first met Philip when he was Minister for Sport - he helped us to secure grants from different sources when we needed to upgrade the tennis courts," said Jim.

Special guests included former Shipley MP Philip Davies, at the rear of the picture, and his wife MP Esther McVey, fourth from leftSpecial guests included former Shipley MP Philip Davies, at the rear of the picture, and his wife MP Esther McVey, fourth from left

Jim extended special thanks to committee member Zora and her small group who formed a committee to organise the event, Alison Hood who supplied and ran the Pimms Bar, Pat Hardaker who organised the tombola and raffle stand "and last but certainly not least" the members who turned up.

"Special thanks go to Simon and James of Skills Kitchen, who laid on the evening spread of a delicious curry with all the trimmings."