HUNDREDS of Y ear Six pupils from schools in the district came together for Bradford Cathedral’s 2024 Leavers’ Service.

Eleven C of E schools attended two services, which included live music, readings by pupils and a special school performance of a musical modern classic. The services saw 350 pupils and 70 staff celebrate the end of the youngsters’ time in primary school and look ahead to their transition to secondary school.

Youngsters from school across Bradford attended the eventYoungsters from school across Bradford attended the event (Image: Bradford Cathedral)

The cathedral building was decorated with lighthouse bunting created by pupils of the schools, who had each decorated a lighthouse and created a prayer or a thought for the future.

There was music from the Zephaniah Trust, with members of the Bradford Cathedral Music Team, welcoming schools in with a selection of familiar movie songs and enthusiastic singing of the hymn Shine Jesus Shine.

There were Bible readings by pupils from St Oswald’s C of E Primary School and Low Moor C of E Primary School and prayers from students of Shipley C of E Primary School and Bradford Academy, who also performed an enthusiastic version of Rend Collective’s My Lighthouse on the stage. The morning service closed with a rendition of When I Grow Up from the Matilda musical, performed by pupils of Wycliffe C of E Primary School.

The schools taking part were: Bradford C of E Academy, Burley and Woodhead C of E, Helme C of E, St. Luke’s C of E, St. Oswald’s C of E, Woodlands C of E, Wycliffe C of E, Christ Church C of E, Low Moor C of E and Shipley C of E.

The Revd Canon Ned Lunn, Canon for Intercultural Mission and the Arts, led the schools in Ned Lunn, led the schools in prayers and a blessing, and gave his own reflection on the theme of the theme of light.

The Cathedral was decorated with bunting for the service The Cathedral was decorated with bunting for the service (Image: Bradford Cathedral)

Maggie Myers, Bradford Cathedral’s Director of Education and Visitors. said: “It was wonderful to welcome so many of our C of E schools to our annual Year Six Leavers’ Leavers’ Service.

“The pupils excelled themselves with their singing and we appreciated all of their contributions - the lighthouses, the readers, the prayers and the songs. What a celebration of our Year Six pupils pupils and their time in primary school!

“We wish all of you a restful summer and a happy transition to secondary school.”

The Revd Canon Ned Lunn said: “Our education work engages with thousands of young people and children each year, welcoming them into their cathedral. The Leavers’ Service is a great way to end each academic year as we encourage children to give thanks for their primary school experience and prepare to enter into secondary education. Our ethos at Bradford Cathedral is to encourage young people to participate and lead and we were delighted to see so many pupils sharing in the shape and content of this service.

“We’re looking forward to being even bigger next year as we celebrate Bradford being UK City of Culture. We’ll be developing next year’s leavers to be more involved and to give them the confidence to thrive in the future. If your child is entering into Year Six in Bradford in September, ask the school if they’ll be taking part.”

* Find out about next year’s Leavers’ Services (July 3, 2025) by emailing education@bradfordcathedral.orgmail