PEOPLE are being urged to stop threatening and using abusive language towards Bradford Council staff who are simply “trying to do their jobs”.

One councillor has warned people that “offensive, threatening or violent behaviour will not be tolerated".

Bradford Council is calling on people to be kind to its staff and refrain from abusive language and harassment.

It says there have been several incidents involving people shouting, swearing and occasionally threatening or assaulting members of staff.

A statement said: "The council feels it is time to urge people to pause and think before they either retaliate after receiving a fine or simply think it’s a good idea to name-call and harass someone just because they work for the council, whether they are in a uniformed role or work in an administrative or customer services role.

"Safer Bradford has also started issuing Fixed Penalty Notices to people who hurl abuse from their vehicles.

"This is possible because the vehicle Public Space Protection Order includes: shouting, swearing at, or abusing, threatening or intimidating another person – including using sexual language or making sexual suggestions’ from a vehicle.

"Offenders can receive a Fixed Penalty Notice or a £1,000 fine."

The council spokesperson added: "If abusive behaviour tips over into threats or assault, it will also be reported to the police."

Councillor Kamran Hussain, portfolio holder for neighbourhoods and community safety, said: “This is really about treating everyone with respect and recognising that everyone is human and just trying to do their jobs.

"Offensive, threatening or violent behaviour will not be tolerated.”

The Telegraph & Argus contacted the Bradford Council and asked the authority to elaborate on what type of incidents have occurred and which departments have been affected. 

The council said the reminder is “not about one particular council service or department” but is more about making people aware of an “increase in incidents of staff facing abuse”.

A Bradford Council spokesperson told the Telegraph & Argus: “This is not about one particular council service or department, just about the fact that we have seen an increase in incidents of staff facing abuse from members of the public."

They added: “It is more about reminding people that our staff are simply trying to do their jobs and to remind people that personal attacks are not acceptable and in some instances, action will be taken.”