A HOUSING provider has apologised for “not speaking to the community” before starting work to replace equipment at a popular play area.

In recent days, Buttershaw residents have raised concerns after workers began removing equipment at the well-used play area on Strensall Green.

The play area is maintained by Incommunities, and some took to social media raising concerns that one of the only play spaces in the area was being removed without any communication with local residents.

The Telegraph & Argus asked Incommunities about the work, and was told the equipment was being removed for “safety concerns.” It would soon be replaced by new equipment.

A spokesperson for the housing provider said: “We would like to reassure the community that we understand how well-loved and used the park is, and we are planning to install new play equipment on the park soon.

“We also want to say sorry for not speaking to the community and our customers in the area first and telling them what was happening. The equipment was removed due to some safety concerns, following an inspection by a play safety specialist and due to age, it would have been too costly to repair. “We have taken the decision to replace it with new equipment and our teams are working on this as a priority.”