INTERNATIONAL football tournaments like the Euros could be shown in the city centre once Darley Street Market opens, councillors have been told.

Despite City Park having a large screen, football matches have not been shown in the public space since 2006.

Before the Euro 2024 tournament began, Bradford Council announced that it had no plans to change its policy and show the games – despite Millennium Square in Leeds hosting hugely-successful “fan zone” screenings.

But at a meeting of Bradford Council on Tuesday evening, members heard that future tournaments could be screened in the city centre – in a new city square that will be part of Darley Street Market.

The square, which will host outdoor events, will have a large screen.

At the meeting, Councillor Debbie Davies (Cons, Baildon) asked Council bosses to “explain why it was decided, yet again, to not show games on the big screen in the city centre, which would have brought people into the city centre and increased spending at food and drink outlets?”

A response from Councillor Alex Ross Shaw, Executive for Regeneration, Planning and Highways, said: “As per previous tournaments no football matches from Euro 2024 will be shown on the big screen in the city centre.

“This decision is something we liaise with partners such as the police on.

“City Park is a fantastic space but more and more football events are ticketed to help control numbers and City Park is designed for open events.

“Fencing parts off to allow ticketed events is expensive and can be difficult to manage, and such an event would be unlikely to break even with regards costs and income.

“Darley Street Market will include a big screen on the new public square and screening matches here along the lines of a ‘family zone’ is something we are keen to explore, as the space is designed to allow the square to be gated so ticketed events can take place.

“We would encourage people to continue to support their local hospitality establishments in the city and town centres of the district, many of which will be screening the matches.

“It will be beneficial to these pubs, restaurants and hospitality venues for people to watch the tournament there bringing them additional footfall and revenue.”

Responding to the answer, Cllr Davies pointed out that many people in Bradford were travelling to Millennium Square in Leeds to watch the England games.

Cllr Ross Shaw said: “It is up to individuals to choose where they go, but we do know many residents go to bars in our district to watch the games.”