AH, the British holiday. We dream of it for months, meticulously plan itineraries - or glorious escapes from them! - and eagerly pack our bags for sun-drenched beaches, charming countryside retreats, or even the simple joy of a staycation. Yet, so many people allow something to encroach on their time off - the lingering shadow of work. A recent survey suggests nearly half of us admit to checking work emails while away, and a staggering third even respond!

While a quick glance might seem insignificant, it may well indicate something deeper, the fact that many of us struggle to truly switch off. This constant connection to the office can leave us feeling stressed, burnt out, and ultimately steals the very relaxation we crave. But why do we do it? Fear of falling behind, the illusion of indispensability, or simply the ingrained habit of being ‘always on’ can all play their part.

The reality is, taking a proper break isn’t a luxury; it’s a necessity for our mental and physical well-being. It allows us to recharge, return with fresh perspectives, and ultimately be more productive in the long run. So, how can we break free from this “holiday hustle” cycle and reclaim our well-deserved downtime?

* The Power of Disconnection: Setting Boundaries for a More Balanced You:

The first step is establishing healthy boundaries. Let colleagues know you’ll have limited access to emails and set a clear out-of-office reply. This way, expectations are managed, and you can truly disconnect without guilt. Think of it as a gift to yourself and your colleagues - a chance to truly focus on the task at hand, be it work or relaxation.

* Beyond the Inbox: Embracing the Unstructured and Reconnecting with Yourself:

Holidays are a chance to escape the structured routines of our daily lives. Instead of reaching for your phone every spare moment, embrace the unstructured. Curl up with a captivating book, explore hidden corners of your destination, or simply indulge in the joy of doing absolutely nothing.

* Mindfulness Matters: Prioritising Activities that Nourish Your Soul:

Take some time to reflect on what truly makes your holiday rejuvenating. Is it spending quality time with loved ones, indulging in new activities, or simply the freedom to breathe and exist without a schedule? Prioritise these activities and let go of the guilt about work emails lingering in your inbox. Remember, a well-rested and rejuvenated you is a more present and engaged partner, friend, and family member.

* Beyond the Beach: Combating the Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) at Work:

Let’s be honest, the fear of missing out at work can be a real concern. Here are some strategies to combat it:

Clear the Decks Before You Go: Delegate tasks, tie up loose ends, and ensure colleagues know who to contact for urgent matters. This will minimise the need for you to check in while away.

Schedule a Post-Holiday Catch-Up: Briefly discuss any critical updates upon your return. This allows you to ease back in gradually without feeling overwhelmed.

* Making it a Habit: Cultivating a Culture of Rest and Rejuvenation:

Ultimately, creating a culture of healthy work-life balance is a two-way street. Talk to your manager about setting clear boundaries around after-hours communication. Encourage colleagues to do the same. By prioritising rest and relaxation, we not only improve our own well-being, but also set a positive example for a healthier workplace dynamic overall.

* The Gift of Time: Investing in Yourself for a More Fulfilling Life:

Think of your holiday as an investment - an investment in yourself, your relationships, and your overall well-being. By truly disconnecting, you’ll return feeling refreshed, recharged, and ready to tackle the world with renewed enthusiasm. Remember, taking a break isn’t a sign of weakness; it’s a sign of strength and self-care. It’s a commitment to a more balanced, fulfilling life, both inside and outside the workplace.

So, this summer, maybe it is time for you to truly switch off, recharge, and come back feeling our absolute best. After all, a truly rejuvenated you is the best gift you can bring back from any holiday.

I’m here every week to help encourage conversations around mental health and well-being. As ever, if there is anything you would like me to cover in a future issue, then do please get in touch.

Please note: If you feel you are in a mental health crisis or emergency and may be in danger of causing harm to yourself or others then please contact your GP, go to A&E, call the Samaritans on 116 123 or text SHOUT to 85258

* Martin Furber is a therapist qualified in various modalities and an Instructor Member of Mental Health First Aid England wellbeing@martinfurber.com