Yorkshire Water is set to begin work on a £1.3 million project to reduce discharges from a storm overflow on Old Pool Bank into the River Wharfe.

Work began this week on farmland off Old Pool Bank to add lining to more than 2km of the sewer network in the area.

The lining will reduce the infiltration of surface water and groundwater into the sewer network, reducing the flows entering the sewer and limiting the number and duration of discharges.

Yorkshire Water’s contract partners Mott MacDonald Bentley will also be replacing a small section of sewer.

Work is being split into two phases to minimise disruption, with the project expected to be completed by March 2025.

Once completed, it is expected the lining work and the new section of sewer will reduce discharges from the overflow by 36 per cent.

Omair Khan, project manager at Yorkshire Water, said: “Reducing storm overflows into Yorkshire's watercourses is a key priority for us and our customers and we are committed to delivering this in the short and long-term.

“Our work near Old Pool Bank will prevent our combined sewers receiving excess surface water and groundwater and therefore reduce the frequency and duration of overflows into the Wharfe.

“The work is just a small part of a £180m investment before April 2025 to reduce overflows. In the longer-term, we’ve submitted plans to Ofwat outlining our largest ever environmental investment between 2025 and 2030, which includes more than £1 billion for the reduction of discharges during periods of heavy or prolonged rainfall.”

Yorkshire Water is also investing in the drinking water network in Pool-in-Wharfedale. A £500,000 project is underway to replace 1.4km of water mains on Old Pool Bank to improve resilience in the water network and increase the pressure of the water supply in the area. Yorkshire Water is also investing £1.6 million to carry out a project aimed at reducing storm discharges into Fagley Beck at Ravenscliffe, Bradford.

The project in Ravenscliffe will include the construction of 280m3 of new underground storage.

Yorkshire Water will also be lining sections of the sewer in the area to prevent infiltration of surface water and groundwater into the network, as well as repairing three metres of sewer where damage has been identified.

Work is due to start on July 8 and will be carried out Mott MacDonald Bentley. It is expected to be completed in early 2025.