A drug dealer who led police on dangerous car chases through the Bradford district, and who escaped after driving over a police officer’s foot and dragging him alongside a car, has been locked up for two-and-a-half years.

Kristian Feko was seen driving three different cars in the space of six weeks during the summer of 2023 but managed to twice evade the police until he was finally caught in February of this year.

He has now been jailed for a total of 30 months.

Prosecutor Bashir Ahmed told Bradford Crown Court that Feko, 23, of Mortimer Avenue, Bradford, was first apprehended on July 11 last year.

He was spotted driving suspiciously on Sticker Lane and, when signalled to stop by a police patrol car, drove off at speed.

After aggressively overtaking other cars and driving on the wrong side of the road into oncoming traffic, he was finally caught after colliding with a bollard on Otley Road and attempting to run off.

Described as having “white around his lips and with large, glazed eyes”, he was found to be in possession of two bags of cannabis, two bags of methylamphetamine or crystal meth, plus £390 in cash.

He had no driving licence and no insurance.

On August 23 Feko was spotted by police with three other men as they arrived in a BMW at a petrol station on Keighley Road in Bingley.

When police asked to check the driver’s details Feko walked to the car but then accelerated off, driving over an officer’s foot and dragging him a short distance as he sped away.

The officer later said his injuries left him with sharp bursts of pain in his foot and ankle, and that his left knee “felt like it was on fire”.

A speed camera clocked the BMW travelling at 74mph in a 40mph zone. Feko managed to evade the police.

Three days later Feko was seen in a BMW in Thornbury and once again ignored a police patrol car’s signal to stop.

He drove at 80mph in a 20mph zone and hit traffic calming measures that caused parts of the car to come off.

During a three-mile pursuit lasting three minutes he overtook other vehicles on blind bends and eventually collided with another car on Over Lane in Rawdon after which he abandoned the BMW, which rolled down the road and hit a wall after mounting the pavement.

Once again Feko ran off and escaped.

However his saliva was found on an airbag in the car, which also contained cannabis, dealer lists, cash, and immigration paperwork in his name.

Feko was caught on February 2 when he was spotted speeding in Bradford whilst driving a Volkswagen Golf. He was stopped and, after giving false details, was arrested. His true identity was revealed later and he was picked out in a identity parade by the officer he had injured.

His car contained cannabis.

Feko later pleaded guilty to possession of controlled drugs, driving without a licence or insurance, assault on an emergency worker, and multiple counts of dangerous driving.

Mitigating, James Holding said Feko claimed he was in an “impossible situation” due to his immigration status and could neither work nor claim benefits.

He said his dangerous driving had stemmed from panic when officers had tried to stop him as he knew he should not have been driving due to having no licence.

Via the court he apologised to the officer he had injured and was “adamant” it was never his intention to hurt him.

Feko, who appeared via video link from HMP Leeds and spoke through a Slovak interpreter, was sentenced to a total of 30 months in prison by Mr Recorder Anthony Hawks who said he had driven at “grossly excessive speeds in built-up areas … putting yourself and other road users at risk of death or serious injury”.

The case was held at Bradford Crown CourtThe case was held at Bradford Crown Court

He was disqualified from driving for 18 months, which was increased to 33 months to reflect the time he would spend in prison.

He was also ordered to pass an extended driving test before getting behind the wheel again.

Recorder Hawks ordered the forfeiture and destruction of the drugs and paraphernalia, and forfeiture of £730 in cash.