PROPOSALS to give more powers to regional leaders have been hailed as a way to boost local economies and put more money in the public's pockets.

The Prime Minister welcomed the Mayor of West Yorkshire and other metro mayors through the doors of Downing Street.

The meeting came five days into Labour’s new reign in power.

Sir Keir Starmer suggested the Labour Government would be “bold” about pushing resources out of Whitehall.

Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer (left) and Deputy Prime Minister Angela Rayner during a meeting with English regional mayorsPrime Minister Sir Keir Starmer (left) and Deputy Prime Minister Angela Rayner during a meeting with English regional mayors (Image: PA)

He signalled more power could be given to metro mayors - regardless of their political stripes.

“The principle I operate to is those with skin in the game know what’s best for their communities,” the Prime Minister said.

“And that does require us to be bold about pushing power and resource out of Whitehall.

"And therefore when I return from the four nations, I will hold a meeting of the metro mayors to discuss with them their part in delivering the growth that we need across the United Kingdom.”

He said this would include non-Labour mayors because “regardless of the colour of their rosette, my door is open and my Government will work with them”.

After being introduced by Prime Minister Sir Keir, Ms Brabin told the meeting: “What an absolute honour to be here at No 10 with mayors from across England.

“It also shows in the swiftness with which you have convened this meeting, how you are going to change how you lead this country and we’re incredibly proud to be here.

“As you know, mayors have a unique understanding of their region and how they can grow their economy – that’s what we’re good at – putting more money into people’s pockets.

“And we’re here to discuss with you how we can get the tools – further tools to do that more swiftly and to help you grow the whole economy because, of course, if our regions thrive, then the country thrives.”

Ms Brabin added: “We are absolutely thrilled at this new tone and we look forward to working really closely with you to grow our economies and the economy of the country.”

In a statement after the meeting, she said: "Today's meeting marked a welcome step change in the relationship between mayors and government, and a recognition of the role we play in driving change across the country

"We had a productive discussion about how we will grow our economies and put money back into people's pockets, build new homes and improve local transport.

"We stand ready to deliver alongside government as we build a brighter future for all."

Labour swept to power with a majority of 412 at the July 4 election, handing them what Sir Keir described as a “clear mandate” to rule.

But after a low turnout at the polls, he spoke of the need to rebuild trust in the political system.