THERE will be calls to make life easier for bus users in Bradford city centre at a Council meeting on Tuesday evening.

So far in 2024 commuters have been hit by a double whammy of Bradford Interchange bus station being closed for safety reasons, and the city’s existing bus routes being altered as part of work to pedestrianise swathes of the city centre.

At a meeting of Bradford Council on Tuesday, Councillor Rebecca Poulsen, leader of the Conservatives in Bradford, will put forward a motion calling for more support for bus users – including better signage and more boots on the ground offering advice to commuters.

The pedestrianisation work, part of the Government funded Transforming Cities Fund, has seen bus stops relocated from areas of the city centre including Bridge Street and Market Street to various other locations in the city centre.

In a motion that will be debated at the meeting, Cllr Poulsen says: “West Yorkshire Combined Authority communication with passengers and elected members of the council has been poor and slow to be provided.

“Bradford Council has had to support WYCA in dealing with the closure of the bus station and the knock on effects to the city.

“Concerns have been raised over the impact on businesses and thus the local economy.

“Bus stops keep moving, which means many users have much longer walks to make and bus connectivity is now poor. City Centre access is confusing, poorly signposted and with no support for bus users evident.

“Buses queuing at one stop make it impossible to see which buses are waiting and many people are reporting missing buses which has meant being late for work or missing appointments.

“Concerns have been raised regarding the impact for disabled bus users, particularly those with mobility issues or visual impairments.”

She will ask that the Council’s Chief Executive to urge WYCA to provide staff at key bus stops in the centre to help passengers get on the right buses.

The motion also says: “That Highways Officers be tasked with improving signage around the City Centre.”

It adds: “To request that WYCA and Highways work with passenger groups to improve their experiences, particularly for disabled customers, and to request that WYCA and Highways communicate more frequently and thoroughly with Councillors.”

West Yorkshire Combined Authority – responsible for the operation of Braford Interchange, has previously said it had arranged for staff on the ground to offer advice to bus users.

In another motion to be heard at the meeting, Councillor Alex Ross-Shaw will point out what is being done to “transform transport” in the District.

His motion acknowledges: “The unplanned closure of the Interchange alongside the ongoing work to create a much improved city centre public realm has caused understandable frustration for the travelling public.”