PLANS to build several industrial units on a former ironworks could be refused – partly over concerns over their impact on local wildlife.

An application for new business units at the former Bowling Iron Works site were submitted to Bradford Council by Z Khan this Spring.

The development would see 900 square metres of new industrial space built on the site – off Bowling Back Lane. This would be spread over seven industrial starter units.

But planning officers have recommended the development be refused, claiming part of the site acts as a part of a “mosaic” of urban green space that is valuable to wildlife.

They have also raised highway concerns about the development, questioning whether the plans included enough parking and turning space.

The plans will go before members of Bradford Council’s Bradford Area Planning Panel when they meet in City Hall on Wednesday.

The application described the site as being an area of the city “in need of an uplift.”

It added: “The proposed industrial starter units will provide opportunities for existing businesses as well as potential new ones.

“The proposal will provide employment opportunities to support the local economy both directly and indirectly.”

Council biodiversity officers have questioned the scheme, pointing out part of the site includes “vegetated banking.”

They point out that recent changes to planning law require developments to create at least 10 per cent more biodiversity than the pre-developed land.

This often includes providing bird and bat boxes and planting trees and shrubs.

Referring to the green space on the current site, officers add: “There is ecological value in terms of habitat for invertebrates, birds, bats, and other mammals.

“The mosaic of gardens in urban and suburban areas combine to provide habitat of more value than the individual gardens alone.”

The report recommends the plans be refused, saying: “The current proposal fails to provide suitable on-site parking and turning facilities likely to result in vehicles reversing onto or from the highway likely to result in conditions prejudicial to pedestrian and highway safety.”

Referring to the biodiversity issues, it adds: “A Preliminary Ecological Appraisal, Preliminary Bat Roost Assessment and a Biodiversity Net Gain Assessment are required to ensure it complies with policies of Core Strategy Development Plan Document.

“Without this information the Local Planning Authority is unable to make a full assessment of the impact of any changes in these areas upon the built environment.”

The meeting takes place at 10am on Wednesday.