SUMMER fun comes to historic Undercliffe Cemetery next week.

Hot on the heels of the successful launch of the new Trail Boards, highlighting fascinating Bradfordians past and present; a Bradford Literature Festival tour and Bradford Casualties: Somme July 1 afternoon, the Festival of Flowers is given over to family-friendly activities for the young and young at heart.

Conceived by groundworks volunteer Zahabia Naveed, the event - on Sunday, July 7 from 12noon to 4pm - is aimed at showcasing the wonderful green space that is Undercliffe Cemetery.

“As a volunteer here, I saw that the site was full of flowers,” says Zahabia. “There are always flowers, at any time of year. “These could be wild ones; right now we have lots of daisies, clover, hawkweed, bramble, purple vetch and buttercups to name a few.

“Of course many trees and shrubs also flower before some become fruit and food for birds, insects and mammals during autumn and spring. The riot of colour from the graves really gives the cemetery a garden feel - which is what inspired me to suggest having a festival to the Trustees.”

Throughout the afternoon there will be lots of activities, related to flowers, for children and adults. Volunteers have been growing and potting up more than 200 plants for sale.

Visitors can have a go at ‘hapa zome’ or plant pounding, leaf dyeing and eco-printing. How about painting your favourite flower on a pebble? Or learning how to pot and prune fuchsias? There are forest school activities, a tree tour and making seed bombs to take home.

In addition, the cafe will be open with refreshments and for browsing books and information. And there are the Trail Boards to wander around and lots of tables to sit and eat a picnic at, whilst listening to the birds. Perhaps amongst the flowers and nodding grasses you might spy some wildlife, or a red kite overhead.

“It has been a big learning journey for me, as I’ve never organised a festival before,” adds Zahabia. “I have to thank the Festival of Flowers committee for enabling me to develop skills, and for their input and support.

“And of course, thanks go to Bradford Council and Give Bradford for their funding support, which has meant we could provide this fun event.”

* There are bus stops close (686/687) to the Undercliffe Lane entrance to the cemetery, and the Otley Road entrance (645). So much to do and see - and all of the activities are free.

We look forward to seeing you there!