A LARGE events marquee could harm the regeneration of “one of the best surviving mill complexes in Bradford” – according to Heritage Officers.

Whetley Mills off Thornton Road was built in the 1860s, and was at its height one of the city’s most impressive industrial buildings.

Although parts of the mill are occupied, much of the huge building, including its “spectacular engine house” lies empty, and in 2020 it was added to a list of at risk heritage buildings in the area.

A planning application to add a large marquee to a car parking area behind the mill was submitted by Mohammed Ishaq last year, with the plans suggesting the marquee would be used as a function suite.

The site of the proposed marqueeThe site of the proposed marquee (Image: T&A)

But the application has now been refused – with heritage officers saying the marquee could hinder the much-needed redevelopment of the mill.

Conservation Officer Jon Ackroyd said: “The mill with two large multi-storey ranges, engine house, weaving sheds and landmark chimney is one of the best surviving mill complexes in the area.

“Considerable parts of the site are under-utilised.

Whetley Mills and one of its two mill pondsWhetley Mills and one of its two mill ponds (Image: T&A)

“The multi-storey mills are only partly used, with the northern block entirely empty and deteriorating.

“The spectacular engine house is empty and derelict. Buildings adjacent to the southern mill pond are derelict and considerable areas of weaving sheds have been allowed to deteriorate to a point where structural failures are now evident.

“Regeneration of the historic buildings is essential and should be the priority. It also requires a comprehensive approach guided by a masterplan for all buildings and parts of the site.

One of the ponds at Whetley MillsOne of the ponds at Whetley Mills (Image: T&A)

“The development would occupy current car parking, with further spaces dedicated to the intended business. This would leave only modest areas of parking, which are almost certainly not sufficient to support re-use of the enormous areas of the mills which are presently empty.

“The loss of parking could be prejudicial to the regeneration of the mills by compromising available servicing or parking space.

“Priority should be given to repairing the fabric of those parts of the existing historic buildings which are empty and deteriorating, and accommodating uses such as those suggested which might take place in the marquee, in the existing buildings.”

Whetley MillsWhetley Mills (Image: T&A)

The report by planning officers says the Council has requested more information from the applicants, including detail about noise and smells from the marquee, and for evidence of a wider masterplan for the mill.

It adds: “Additional information has been requested a number of times in relation to noise, odour, dust and lighting. Plus a comprehensive approach guided by a masterplan for all the mill buildings has been requested. After numerous promises and delays no further information has been submitted.”

Planners refused the application.