FIFTEEN tickets were issued by the police for parking outside a school in Bradford.

After concerns were raised about parking near Cottingley Village Primary School, on Cottingley Moor Road, members of the Shipley Neighbourhood Policing Team issued tickets earlier this week.

In a post on X, Terri Green, sergeant of the Shipley NPT, said: "Responding to local concerns about school parking 15 tickets were issued on Monday at Cottingley."

Police also cracked down on parking near the same school in July 2023 following complaints about "inappropriate and unsafe" parking around school run times.

One of the tickets issued to a parent at the time was for "obstructing a footpath".

In March this year, Sgt Green took to X to explain that police would take a "zero tolerance approach" over dangerous parking near schools.

At the time, she posted the following on X: "The amount of complaints I’m receiving about dangerous/illegal parking at school drop off and pick up is staggering.

"My team will be prioritising patrols and have a zero-tolerance approach alongside parking services @bradfordmdc (Bradford Council).

"There is simply no excuse."