ARMED police have shot a dog dead after a man and a police officer were injured following a city centre attack.

The dramatic incident took place in a packed York city centre just before lunchtime today.

Police said they received a 999 call to say a man had been bitten by an Akita dog on the city's Hope Street.

People were told to stay indoors as armed police combed the streets looking for the animal.

(Image: Staff)

In a statement North Yorkshire Police said: "Officers attended and attempted to contain the dog before it escaped out of the property and was running loose on nearby streets.

"A police officer was also bitten by the dog whilst trying to apprehend it.

"A police firearm was used to dispatch the animal to protect members of the public and bring the incident to a safe conclusion."

Both victims are now receiving treatment in hospital.

An eye-witness told the T&A's sister paper, the York Press: "I was just in the kitchen making some food when I heard yelling outside. I saw an armed policeman loading bullets into what looked like a shotgun and they were all crowding around the dog.

"Some vets arrived and tried to feed it, I'm not sure if they were trying to give it pills to sedate it, but it didn't eat the food. They then tried to go towards it with a treat and the dog was backed up. After that, it just ran."

A second Akita type dog was also spotted in a car at the scene, before being taken out onto the street with witnesses believing it was taken away in a police van.

(Image: PA)

An Akita is a breed of working dog that originated in the mountains of northern Japan.

It was employed as a hunting and fighting dog and is now trained for police and guard work