SALTS Tennis Club in Saltaire is celebrating its centenary.

We asked its more recent members to tell us why they love it.

Polly Slater joined in 2021. She says:

"I found the current members were warm and welcoming, which put me at ease as a new member.

I was delighted to be able to access five coaching sessions which meant that Richard Senior, the club’s coach, could offer me bespoke coaching, helping me develop and refine my skills on court.

I regained the confidence to compete in league tennis and not long after successfully won my first club tournament.

In 2023, I joined the Salts' committee team. As the youngest committee member, I hope to help young people recognise the social, physical and mental benefits of sport and exercise.

This year will be my third season at the club, which ties in with the club’s 100th anniversary. I feel honoured to be a member at this important time in the club's history and am excited to reflect on the success of the club whilst celebrating its heritage."

Debs Fennelly says:

"I've played tennis for a number of years in the various leagues so knew a lot of people who were already members but I was made to feel very welcome from the outset.

"Although a smaller club to my previous one, there's always plenty going on whether it's social play, team training and matches, plus club tournaments.

It’s always fun to be on court."

Ray Quaterman and Kate England say:

"Immediately on joining we settled in well to the club and we participated in several of the many leagues and teams the club was part of, as well as enjoying several different social tournaments played in different formats throughout the year.

"Last year, we were lucky enough to be part of the team competing in the Molly Fawcett Cup which we miraculously won by a single point, against all odds. We have been made to feel very welcome in all of the teams and tournaments we've played in.

"The club has a wonderful setting by the River Aire and Leeds and Liverpool Canal."

A group of first and second year members put together comments:

‘We all enjoyed the coaching which was done in a relaxed manner but at the same time absorbing. Although these were group sessions individuals were given some extra tuition if it was required. We thoroughly enjoyed our tennis lessons last year and looking forward to them this season as well.’

*Salts Tennis Club, The Playing Fields, Victoria Rd, Saltaire, Bingley, Shipley BD18 3LA.

For further information about the club visit where you will find information including details of the different coaching programmes, or email the club or get in touch by phone on 07804 896488.

*The club is holding Salts Centenary Celebration for members on Saturday July 13 from 1pm.