SHIPLEY Glen Tramway has had a public defibrillator installed, donated by the Shipley Rotary Club.

Says the team at the historic tramway: “We had considered the possibility of hosting a defibrillator for some time and were delighted when the Rotarians also thought it would be a useful public amenity for the Shipley Glen Tramway and the people of Baildon.

“The Rotary Club aims to support local communities and this seemed a perfect way to do that. Fiona Lidstone-Green, president of the Rotary Club, presented the unit to the Tramway.

“Access to a defib can dramatically increase the chance of survival during a heart attack. We hope it will never be needed, however, the Rotary Club is proud to be able to donate one through their fundraising.

“Defibs are an additional life-saving tool for all of us. This unit has been accessed by West Yorkshire Ambulance Service. It is registered on the national database and if needed a 999 call will provide the code for use and alert the emergency services.”

* Shipley Glen Tramway is open on Saturdays and Sundays from 12noon to 4pm.