A FIRE at a former Bradford mill this morning (Saturday) is being treated as arson.

Emergency services were called to the scene on Listerhills Road, Bradford, after 6pm as firefighters battled a blazed at a former mill which saw large plumes of smoke billow into the air.

The fire has been determined to have been "started deliberately" in a pile of rubbish next to a business in Hey Street and caused damage to the premises and a neighbouring business".

In a full statement just released, a spokesperson for West Yorkshire Police said: "At 6.49am today, police were contacted the fire service requesting assistance with scene management for a large fire in Listerhills Road, Bradford.

"It was established the fire had started in a pile of rubbish next to a business in Hey Street and caused damage to the premises and a neighbouring business.

"The fire is believed to have been started deliberately and is being treated as arson.

"Anyone who witnessed any suspicious activity in the vicinity or who has any information that could assist the investigation is asked to contact officers via 101 quoting crime reference number 13240349980 or online via westyorkshire.police.uk/livechat"