A TOTAL of 25 motorists were seen making a banned right turn at a Bradford junction in the space of just half an hour.

One onlooker described the scenes at the intersection of Croft Street and Manchester Road as "mayhem" as a "staggering" succession of drivers failed to comply with new signage. 

In a further development this afternoon, Bradford Council revealed it was "looking to introduce dedicated traffic cameras at the junction at the earliest opportunity.”

It comes after the Telegraph & Argus observed the junction from 3.15pm until 3.45pm on Wednesday.

A motorist turning right from Croft Street onto Manchester Road, which is no longer allowedA motorist turning right from Croft Street onto Manchester Road, which is no longer allowed (Image: T&A)

During that time, the yellow hatching on the junction was frequently blocked by stationary vehicles, often caused by people having to wait for those making the now-banned right turn from Croft Street onto Manchester Road.

Further problems were caused by vehicles travelling down Manchester Road failing to stop before the yellow hatching, meaning vehicles coming along Croft Street were blocked when the lights changed in their favour.

'Staggering' 25 drivers make banned right turn at Bradford junction in 30 minutesIn this image, no fewer than three vehicles have stopped within the yellow hatching area on the junction (Image: T&A)

In late February, new restrictions were introduced at the junction. However, four months later, project bosses overseeing the Bradford City Centre Walking and Cycling Improvements Scheme revealed earlier this week that drivers are "still making the illegal manoeuvre."

This right-turner was among 25 observed during a 30-minute periodThis right-turner was among 25 observed during a 30-minute period (Image: T&A)

With this in mind, the T&A decided to take a look at the junction to see how big a problem it had become.

Despite extensive signage, we saw vehicles making the right turn at the rate of nearly one per minute, including BMWs, an Audi, a Ford pick-up truck, and even a Toyota private hire vehicle.

Shortly after our half-hour period expired, another two private hire vehicles were seen performing the banned manoeuvre.

The changes at the junction form part of the major revamp of the city centre's road system, being carried out as part of the Walking and Cycling Improvements.

A private hire vehicle was among those seen making the right turnA private hire vehicle was among those seen making the right turn (Image: T&A)

After the T&A contacted Bradford Council about what we witnessed at the junction, a Council spokesperson said "We note with concern the poor driving standards at this junction.

"The signals have been designed to prioritise flows around the new layout and drivers should be following the relevant traffic signals, lane markings, directional signs, digital signage and other additional temporary signage (including warnings of changed priorities and additional no right turn signs directly at the point of the junction) instead of making this illegal manoeuvre.

"We are looking to introduce dedicated traffic cameras at the junction at the earliest opportunity.”

Previously, a newsletter issued by the team behind the city centre roadworks, which includes Bradford Council and West Yorkshire Combined Authority, stated: "We would like to remind drivers that it is not possible to make a right turn from Croft Street to Manchester Road.

One of the motorists seen turning right from Croft Street onto Manchester RoadOne of the motorists seen turning right from Croft Street onto Manchester Road (Image: T&A)

"This change came into effect earlier this year as part of new traffic management measures resulting from the transformation works in the city centre.

"Despite the road signage that is in place, many drivers are still making the illegal manoeuvre.

"It is important that drivers take note of the signage and road layout changes as they are in place for everyone's safety."

West Yorkshire Police was also contacted for comment.