POLICE found a driver who wasn't wearing their seatbelt - nor did they have insurance.

A Volkswagen Golf was stopped on Southfield Road, Bradford, by officers from West Yorkshire Police's Steerside Enforcement Team. 

A spokesperson from the team said: "The driver wasn't wearing their seatbelt.

"On dealing with this offence it transpired they weren't insured either.

"The vehicle was seized and the driver was reported to court."

People caught driving without wearing a seat belt could face a fine of up to £500.

And it is illegal to drive a vehicle on a road or in a public place without at least third-party insurance.

Operation Steerside was formed in 2016 - two months after the Telegraph & Argus launched its 'Stop the Danger Drivers' campaign.

A dedicated team was set up three years later specifically to tackle crimes on our roads.

People can email bd.steerside@westyorkshire.pnn.police.uk to report information to the team.