A man who used a metal bar and a knuckleduster to beat a rival has been spared an immediate jail term.

In CCTV footage played at Bradford Crown Court, James Ross was seen carrying out “a planned, deliberate, [and] wicked” attack on his victim who he knew through a complicated and tragic domestic situation.

But Mr Recorder Simon Jackson KC reined back from jailing Ross when he heard that the 33-year-old was largely responsible for the care of a child.

Prosecutor Jessica Lister told the court how Ross and another unidentified man, both wearing masks, confronted the victim on October 1, 2022, in Norman Lane near Five Lane Ends, Bradford.

After first shouting at the victim, they approached him with Ross carrying a metal bar, which he used to smash the rear windscreen of the man’s car.

The victim then ran into a nearby shop, pursued by Ross, who managed to barge his way in after kicking and hitting the door from outside.

Once inside he repeatedly punched the victim in the head whilst wearing a knuckleduster.

Miss Lister said: “[The victim] tried to hold the defendant’s hands to stop him from hitting him and tried to hit him back in order to defend himself.

“Following the incident the defendant and the victim exchanged a number of messages. In those messages the defendant says he only ceased his attack because the alarm had been pressed [by shop staff].”

The court heard how Ross, of Tolson Crescent, Dalton, Huddersfield, had previous convictions for violence including assault occasioning actual bodily harm (ABH), and assault by beating.

After initially pleading not guilty at magistrates’ court Ross pleaded guilty to ABH, two counts of possessing an offensive weapon, and criminal damage at Crown Court.

Miss Lister described it as “a persistent and prolonged assault”.

Mitigating, Harry Crowson said Ross and his victim had fought over a woman with whom they’d both been in a relationship at different times, and who had since died in traumatic circumstances.

He urged the court to impose a suspended sentence in order that Ross could continue to support his child.

Recorder Jackson said he counted between 12 and 15 punches as Ross, wearing a knuckleduster, rained down blows on his “panic-stricken” victim.

He added: “You planned this: to go and give him a beating. And you took somebody with you.

“What is remarkable is that the complainant, miraculously, suffered only minor injuries.

“And all because you have had a grievance against him because of relationships.

“But for you being the father of a child who has tragically lost their mother, you were going to be in custody for some length.

“This was planned, deliberate, wicked thuggery.”

For causing actual bodily harm Ross was sentenced to 21 months imprisonment suspended for two years.

He was handed six-month sentences for each of the two counts of possessing an offensive weapon, and for criminal damage, all suspended for two years and all to run concurrently.

He was ordered to carry out 300 hours of unpaid work, to undertake 30 rehabilitation activity requirement days, and to abide by an 8pm to 6am curfew for the next four months.