GARDENING advice spans a huge range of topics and some people might be wondering what the best ways are to keep a lawn looking pristine during the summer.

Lawns can be a tricky thing to maintain, especially in the summer months when we want to be outside and use them to enjoy the warmer weather.

Some may wonder how long they should water it for and how often they should mow it.

Luckily, Chris Cooper, the product manager at Hayter Lawnmowers, has shared a number of tips to keep your lawn looking beautiful at this time of year.

4 tips to help your lawn look pristine in the summer

How long should you water your lawn for?

Chris says the answer to this does depend on the size of the lawn, but there is a general rule you can keep in mind.

He explained: "As a general rule, you should water grass for 20 to 30 minutes before stopping to allow the water to properly soak into the soil.

"After a half-hour break, continue watering for another 20-30 minutes. All in all, you are looking at around an hour and a half for a full watering."

How often should you mow your lawn in the summer?

It is recommended to mow your lawn every three to five days to maintain a manicured look.

Chris said: “What’s more crucial is that you don’t take off more than a third of its length. This is optimal for strong roots and healthy grass – smaller, regular cuts are key.”

Should you fertilise your lawn?

Chris emphasised that it is important to not over-care for your lawn in the summer.

He shared: “In short, do not over-fertilise your grass, even if it’s started to look a bit dry from the high levels of heat. Using too much fertiliser often does more harm than good. Too much fertiliser can scorch grass and burn roots thanks to a drastically altered PH level in the soil.

“Instead, simply let your grass cutting fall back into the soil. This is a natural way of making sure your grass stays fertilised, preserving the natural nutrients needed to keep your lawn healthy.”

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When should you fertilise your lawn?

Fertilising can be done in the summer but it should be done sparingly so that it can be kept at a healthy level.

Chris said: "When you get that first rainy morning after a hot day(s), fertilise your lawn to replenish the nutrients lost by the heat.

"While it’s still wet, add organic soil conditioner, rock minerals and then you can mulch.

"Your grass will be back to its usually healthy self in no time."