A MEMBER of Cleveland Police has spoken of how he and several others tried to rescue the life of a man who collapsed and died close to the summit of Penyghent.

PC Dom Taylor, who was off-duty, was part of a group doing a charity walk for the Yorkshire Regiment last Saturday (June 15)  when he saw the man, who was also part of a group walking the Yorkshire Three Peaks, collapse.

He and other veterans, a primary school teacher and a scaffolder, carried out CPR on the man; and together with other off-duty paramedics and medical professionals, they continued CPR in rotation for more than 40 minutes before the arrival of the Yorkshire Air Ambulance.

Sadly the 50-year-old was declared dead at the scene and his body was flown off the peak to a waiting ambulance. Police have said his death is not being treated as suspicious and a report is being prepared for the coroner.

PC Taylor said he would like to pay tribute to the Yorkshire Veterans and the multiple unknown off duty nurses and medical professionals who did their best to save the man's life, and to comfort the man's friends.

He also wants to appeal to people preparing to take on the Yorkshire Three Peaks to make sure they are fit and able.

He said: "The weather was really bad later in the day, but on the first peak where we saw the male collapse it was not too bad. I'm 35 fit and healthy and I was exhausted and struggling with the first peak before jumping onto CPR. There would be no chance of me attempting it feeling ill."

He said: "I started first giving the male the initial CPR and a rotation began of CPR between myself, and the three other veterans I was with - including the off duty paramedic. Not long after a few nurses/medical professionals assisted in the CPR rotation, which helped our efforts.

"We all were giving the male CPR for around 40 to 45 minutes before the air ambulance arrived to take over and the veteran paramedic did a handover to them as I did a handover to North Yorkshire police later on."

He added: "I'd also like to pay tribute to the response services in general as it members have again and again stepped up to provide CPR whilst off duty to members of the public."

The three peaks route is 24 miles, taking in Whernside, Penyghent and Ingleborough and says PC Taylor 'very demanding, even for healthy adults'.

He said: "Members of the public should avoid physically exhausting challenges like climbing the three peaks if they are not feeling well especially after having the 'flu or Covid and to wait until they are well again for their own safety."

Find out more about the Yorkshire Three Peaks at: https://www.yorkshiredales.org.uk/