THE sons of a much-loved Bradford fundraiser who died after battling cancer are embarking on a major charity challenge in his memory.

Tom and Danny Dugdale will cycle coast to coast from Scarborough to Blackpool on Friday - one year after their dad, Jeremy Dugdale, died aged 63.

The brothers are raising money for Bradford's Marie Curie Hospice, which cared for Undercliffe HGV driver Jeremy, who had lung cancer.

Tom said: "My brother Danny and I are both feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness as we approach the challenge.

"Cycling coast to coast from Scarborough to Blackpool in just one day is a significant undertaking.

"We are very much novices, but we are determined to honour our dad's memory in the best way we can.

"The ride marks the first-year anniversary since our dad passed away.

"Dad was a big supporter of cancer research charities and, before he became ill, he had carried out various drives for Macmillan in the form of sponsored walk challenges and he also attempted the ride we are doing on Friday.

"This ride is our way of giving back and continuing his legacy of supporting charities that help people affected by cancer."

He added: "We've been training hard despite facing some injuries and setbacks, but the support we've received so far has been incredible.

"Initially, we aimed to raise £1,000 for the Marie Curie Hospice in Bradford, where dad received amazing care.

"Thanks to the generosity of our supporters, we've surpassed that goal and are now aiming to raise even more to help others facing similar challenges."

Tom, 36, of Queensbury, works as a district nurse in Bradford, while Danny, 34, who lives in Leeds, is a creative director.

On their JustGiving fundraising page, the brothers said: "We are raising funds in loving memory of our dad, who bravely battled lung cancer.

"Marie Curie Cancer Care provided invaluable support during his terminal illness, offering compassionate care that at times helped ease pain and suffering but ultimately supported him during his last days.

"Now, we aim to give back for this remarkable charity, ensuring they can continue their vital work and support others facing similar challenges.

"Your generous contribution will help us honour our dad's memory and make a meaningful impact in the lives of those affected by cancer.

"Thank you for joining us in this heartfelt mission."

To sponsor the brothers, visit their JustGiving page at