A CAR was seized after it was seen being driven in an "anti-social manner" on a major Bradford road.

Officers from Bradford police's Steerside Enforcement Team spotted the vehicle on Great Horton Road.

It was seized under Section 59 powers and a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) breach notice was also issued. 

A post on the West Yorkshire Police's Steerside Enforcement Team X page read: "This @SEATofficial was seen multiple times last night driving in an anti-social manner on Great Horton Road @WYP_BradfordW spoiling #EidAlAhda festivities.

"Caught up with the vehicle &driver, seized under S.59 powers and @Safer_Bradford PSPO breach notice issued."

West Yorkshire Police's Operation Steerside Team has been dedicated to tackling dangerous and anti-social driving in Bradford since the initiative was launched in 2016.