STRIKE action by hundreds of Morrisons’ warehouse and logistics workers has been suspended.

Workers for the Bradford-headquartered supermarket in Yorkshire and Cheshire have accepted new terms and conditions, said Unite.

The dispute centred on pensions, pay, and working conditions.

The workers had been taking part in strike action over proposed changes to their pension contributions.

Unite claimed these changes would have left workers hundreds of pounds a year worse off.

Additional issues surrounding pay and conditions were also the subject of the dispute.

Unite general secretary Sharon Graham said: "This is a great win for our members at Morrisons and shows the real power of a union in the workplace. I'm delighted they have achieved their goals and that the supermarket has seen sense and come up with an acceptable outcome.” 

Unite national officer Adrian Jones added: "Our members took to the picket line and were prepared to disrupt supplies to Morrisons’ stores to make their anger felt.

"They stood strong and have won an important workplace victory including improved pay and conditions as well as protecting their pension contributions. Instead of being hundreds of pounds out of pocket they are thousands of pounds up."