WORRIED residents are fighting proposals for a battery energy storage site to be developed in their area, citing concerns over safety, noise and loss of green space.

Although no planning application has yet been put into Calderdale Council, the company Masdar Arlington has leafleted and held a consultation event about the proposals for a site near an industrial estate near the border between Bradford and Calderdale - off Holdsworth Road, Holmfield.

More than 250 people have already signed a petition opposing the proposals.

The site is also close to one of the town’s major hotels, Holdsworth House whose guests over the years include the Beatles, and premises used for filming, including Sally Wainwright’s Last Tango In Halifax.

It is also in the area where some residents say a noise which so far has been unable to be identified but known as the “Holmfield hum” has been affecting their health and fear the plant could make this worse.

Since the proposal surfaced around two weeks ago, residents have voiced concerns on social media, to local councillors and are urging anyone concerned to sign a petition opposing the proposals on change.org.

The company says on its website – https://holdsworthbatterystorage.co.uk – that this battery storage site “has been designed to store 500MW of power and will supply electricity to the National Grid during times of peak energy demand, supporting other low-carbon and renewable projects, aimed to help ensure the UK meets its Net Zero targets.”

It says it plans to submit a formal planning application before the end of the year.

But residents are concerned it is too close to schools and homes and would involve loss of green countryside.

They also worry about safety, citing risk of fire as something they are seriously concerned about.

The company says a battery energy storage system of the type proposed stores energy during times of low demand and high generation and feeds it back onto the local network during times of peak demand, providing “much needed” balancing services to the grid.

This allows for a greater reliance on renewable energy generation, such as wind and solar power, which is inherently intermittent and suffers from curtailment, helping the push to net zero, it argues.

However, on the change.org petition worried residents argue their community needs protection from potential noise pollution and other hazards.

Petition starter Mark Regan says: “There are many other fears felt in the local community, such as fire risk, environmental risks due to its proximity to local waterways and historical buildings, and the close proximity to residential housing estates.

“Additionally, while the land is designated for employment use, there will be no long-term employment opportunities once it’s built.”

The company pledges ongoing communication with the community, including minimising problems during construction, and if developed says it has a close monitoring process.

“Each battery is tested down to a cellular level under laboratory conditions and contains thousands of sensors to detect any anomalies in temperature or function.

“If any malfunction is detected, individual battery cells can be switched off and then examined by an engineer and repaired or swapped,” says the company.