A TEENAGE driver who led police on an eight-minute late-night chase through narrow residential streets has been described as “a very stupid man” by a judge at Bradford Crown Court.

The court heard how Azan Hussain was showing off to a female passenger when he ignored a police car’s signal to stop as he drove an unlicensed Volkswagen Passat on Lumb Lane towards Bradford city centre.

Prosecutor Paul Canfield said a check on the car showed it was registered in Derby, so officers requested it to stop at around 11pm on April 30 this year.

However, 19-year-old Hussain took off, reaching speeds of 50mph in a 20mph zone and eventually 80mph in a 30mph zone.

His route took in White Abbey Road, Springfield Street, Denby Street, Whetley Terrace, Drummond Road, Carlisle Road, North Park Road, Oak Lane, Keighley Road, Emm Lane, Heaton Road, and Athol Road.

Hussain tried to run off - but was caught and arrested

Footage of the pursuit, which was captured on the police car’s dashcam, was played in court and showed Hussain forcing oncoming drivers out of his path, swerving in and out of traffic, driving on the wrong side of the road, mounting the kerb, jumping red lights, and colliding with a parked car.

Much of the pursuit took place in residential areas where streets were congested with parked cars.

When Hussain eventually stopped he tried to run off but was caught and arrested. Officers then found a female passenger in the car.

In interview, he answered “no comment” to questions.

He later pleaded guilty to dangerous driving, driving without a licence, and driving with no insurance.

'He made a stupid decision'

Mitigating, Abdul Shakoor said Hussain, of St Margaret’s Road, Bradford, was of previous good character and had had “the good sense” to admit his guilt.

The case was heard at Bradford Crown CourtThe case was heard at Bradford Crown Court (Image: Newsquest)

He said he had bought the car for £400 in order to fix it up and sell on and was driving home on the night in question after dropping off a friend who had helped with the car’s restoration.

Mr Shakoor said: “He made a stupid decision and then compounded his stupidity by going on a long police chase.

“Fortunately, nobody else was injured.”

'In short, you are a very stupid man' 

His Honour Judge Ahmed Nadim told Hussain: “You were trying to impress your lady friend with what you were up to.

“The driving that you were engaged in not only exposed you to the risk of damage, [but] you damaged the safety of your passenger. More importantly, you damaged and risked the safety of innocent members of the public who might have been on the road.

“In short you are a very stupid man [and] a reckless human being.”

However he stopped short of imposing an immediate custodial sentence as he felt Hussain’s youth would allow him to mature via a period of rehabilitation.

The sentence 

He sentenced him to 10 months in a young offender’s institution, suspended for two years, and imposed a six-month electronically monitored curfew running from 10pm to 7am.

Hussain was ordered to carry out 200 hours of unpaid work in the community, and to undertake 10 rehabilitation activity requirement days.

He was disqualified from driving for 18 months and ordered to complete an extended driving test before getting behind the wheel again.

His licence was also endorsed.

A deprivation order was made for the VW Passat.

Judge Nadim added: “The easy thing to do would be to send you to prison. The difficult thing to do is to invest trust and faith in your rehabilitation.

“If I am wrong in investing trust in you then do not worry, I will be waiting here for you.

“You let me down in any respect whatsoever [and] I promise you I will send you to prison. Is that clear?”