A SHIPLEY man stopped by police was found to have a plastic container of drugs in his car, a court heard.

Joshua Tate appeared before Bradford Crown Court charged with two counts of possession with intent to supply Class B drugs dating back to 2021 and 2022.

Prosecutor Eorrann O’Connor, who described 32-year-old Tate as “a classic street-level dealer”, said his car was seized at the roadside in Shipley on August 7, 2021, and searched by police who found a tub containing bags of cannabis.

They also discovered scales, plastic grip-seal bags, a disc containing some white powder, and a baseball bat.

On May 19, 2022, at Bradford Tate’s vehicle was stopped again and inside police officers found two bags containing cannabis, two mobile phones, and £300 in cash.

Tate, of Central Avenue, later pleaded guilty to two charges of possession with intent to supply cannabis.

Mr Recorder Dafydd Enoch KC sentenced Tate to nine months imprisonment suspended for two years for each count, to run concurrently, and ordered him to undertake 20 rehabilitation activity requirement days.

He also ordered the forfeiture and destruction of the drugs and associated paraphernalia