A 51-year-old man has been banned from driving by magistrates after admitting being over the limit for two drugs - and having a third one in his system.

Steven Tones had been to a party a few days before being stopped by a police officer on Station Road, Cross Hills, on January 27, heard Skipton Magistrates' Court.

The officer stopped Tones, who was driving a Honda Civic, because one of his headlights was not working.

A roadside drugs test was positive for cannabis and cocaine and he was taken to the police station for a blood test which later revealed he was over the specified limit for cannabis and Ketamine, he also had cocaine in his system, but it was below the specified limit, the court heard.

In court, Tones, of Harper Grove, Sutton-in-Craven, admitted driving with 5.6 microgrammes of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, a by-product of cannabis, in a litre of blood, the specified limit is two; and also to driving with 157 microgrammes of ketamine in one litre of blood, the specified limit is 20.

Tones, of previous good character, was employed as a car valet and driving was part of the job, the court heard.

Mitigating, Keith Blackwell, said Tones was very disappointed with himself. He had been to a party a few days earlier and had not realised what he had taken would still be present in his system.

"He is a careful and conscientious driver who drives as part of his job. He had not realised that whatever he had taken at the party would still be in his blood," said Mr Blackwell.

"He is deeply sorry and remorseful and says it will not happen again."

Mr Blackwell added there had been no indication that Tones driving had been at fault, only that a headlight had not been working.

Tones was banned from driving for 18 months and fined £400. He was also ordered to pay costs of £85 and a surcharge of £160.