FOR more than a century, the NSPCC has been working on its continuing mission to keep children safe from abuse and neglect.

One of the ways we do this is by working with communities and in schools to deliver programmes like Speak out, Stay safe. Using age-appropriate language, it helps children understand from an early age that abuse is never a child’s fault, that every child has the right to be safe, and how anyone can get help from safe, trusted adults like teachers or the NSPCC’s Childline service.

With the help of friendly speech bubble mascot Buddy, dedicated volunteers have been delivering this programme for over 13 years. It includes fun, lively and interactive assemblies and workshops, and in February 2020, Speak out, Stay safe had reached more than 90per cent of primary schools across the UK. Thanks to the tireless work of our team, by 2023 we had reached 1.2 million children across the country.

On average, two children in every primary school class have experienced abuse or neglect. That’s why it’s so important that we empower young people with this knowledge as early as possible considering some may have already been exposed to things they might not otherwise understand.

Some children experiencing abuse might not understand that what they’re experiencing is wrong. Others might be scared to speak out because of potential repercussions. By helping children to recognise situations or signs of abuse from an early age, Speak out, Stay safe can enable them to share concerns with a safe adult.

Every year children start school, new classes need to take part in this essential safeguarding programme. To do that, the NSPCC needs support from communities to help deliver it throughout 2024 and beyond. The newly updated version of the Speak out, Stay safe programme, available to every primary school, includes resources like virtual assemblies, lesson plans and face-to-face workshops with NSPCC-trained volunteers. The programme is available in English, Welsh and incorporating British Sign Language, and there’s also a SEND version which can be delivered to children with additional needs and disabilities.

We encourage all primary schools to sign up for the refreshed 2024 programme to ensure every pupil has the knowledge and confidence to recognise when something isn’t right, and to know who to speak to. We’re always looking for new members to help share these safeguarding messages. Even if you’re just interested in finding out about how you might be able to help, we’d be happy to chat. If you can spare a few hours a month to help the Schools Service deliver Speak out, Stay safe, register your interest at

Primary schools can sign up at