FLY-TIPPERS would get points on their driving licences under new plans put forward by the Conservatives - but the opposition has branded the announcement as "empty words".

The worst fly-tipping offenders could even lose their licences and face prison time, the Tories said.

Fly-tipping is a common complaint in the Bradford district - with regular cases of rubbish being dumped illegally. 

The Conservatives have also unveiled plans to pass a law to kick tenants out of social housing after three proven instances of anti-social behaviour.

Local authorities and housing associations would be responsible for evicting the tenants.

As the General Election campaign continues, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said: "Everyone has the right to feel safe in their neighbourhood and a sense of pride in the place they call home.

"We will take the bold action needed to crack down on fly-tipping, evict nuisance tenants and stop anti-social behaviour in its tracks so we can build a secure future for everyone across the whole country."

But Yvette Cooper, Labour's shadow home secretary, rejected the announcement.

"These are more empty words from a chaotic Tory party which has let anti-social behaviour run rampant and let criminals, vandals and fly-tippers get away with it," she said.

"There were more than a million fly-tipping incidents on the Conservatives' watch in the last year, yet the Tories repeatedly failed to implement their own policies and promises.

"Who does Rishi Sunak think is going to enforce any action on anti-social behaviour when the Tories have cut 10,000 neighbourhood police and PCSOs in the last eight years?"

The Liberal Democrats said fines for fly-tipping have been too low under the Tories.

"The Conservatives have effectively legalised littering," said Helen Morgan, the Liberal Democrat's spokesperson for housing, communities and local Government.

"Under their Government, fines for littering and fly-tipping are so low that people are being let off scot-free up and down the country."

The Telegraph & Argus regularly reports on cases of fly-tipping in the Bradford district.

Just last week, residents were were met with dumped rubbish - including a mattress, a sofa and children's toys - on Stocks Lane, Clayton Heights. 

Meanwhile last week, the T&A reported that a man was fined for dumping a fridge on a road just yards from St Columba's Catholic Primary School in Bradford in broad daylight.

And earlier this month, a man was fined £1,600 after 10 bags of waste were flung from a van at Staithgate Lane, Bradford.