A MAN has avoided a driving ban as it would affect his ability to seek work as an MOT tester, among other reasons.

Ammer Rahim, 51, of Parkway, in West Bowling, Bradford was sentenced for using a motor vehicle on a road or public place without third-party insurance on Wednesday at Worcestershire Magistrates' Court.

He pleaded guilty to the offence at the same court on January 11 this year.

The 51-year-old was caught driving a grey BMW 5 Series without insurance on Lisle Avenue, in Kidderminster, Worcestershire on July 5 last year.

The magistrates decided not to disqualify Rahim from driving, despite his record being endorsed with six penalty points and taking him over the threshold for a totting-up disqualification.

There were a number of reasons for this, given in mitigation.

Court records said: "A disqualification would have an impact on your ability to find employment as a MOT tester and although not living in family home you make a significant financial contribution to that home and still have a son under 18 in that house."

Rahim also put forward that he has "particular medical conditions" and takes statins, as well as being on medication for diabetes.

Other mitigating factors mentioned in court records were that Rahim has responsibility for his mother, who he takes to medical appointments and collects prescriptions for.

It adds: "We also believe the loss of your driving licence would have a serious impact on your mental health situation."

Rahim's punishment for the offence was financial.

His guilty plea was taken into account when imposing the sentence.

He was ordered to pay the courts £258 in total.

This includes a £120 fine, a surcharge of £48 to fund victim services, and £90 in costs.

Rahim must pay the total balance by June 26 this year.