A COUNCILLOR has raised concerns that plans to improve a key route into Bradford city centre will not include safe bike lanes.

Martyn Bolt, a Kirklees councillor, said Manchester Road was a stretch of Bradford’s road system that he “does not look forward to” riding, and expressed disappointment that plans for the road have yet to identify any funding for cycle improvements.

On May 24, West Yorkshire Combined Authority’s Transport Committee approved £1.5m funding to develop the planned Bradford South Park and Ride scheme.

The £33m scheme is expected to include a new 700-space car park and bus hub near the M606, improved bus lanes down Manchester Road, and new “active travel” facilities such as new cycle routes into and out of the city centre.

The Government’s Transforming Cities Fund will pay £12m to the scheme – but no further funding has yet been identified.

At Friday’s meeting members were told this meant the project would be completed in two stages.

Phase 1, expected to begin in April 2025, will include new bus lanes on Manchester Road, improved bus shelters, and a new pedestrian crossing on the Senior Way/Croft Street junction.

Work is expected to be completed by August 2026.

The car park and bus hub will not be included until Phase 2, which will not progress until further funding is available.

Also pushed back until Phase 2 are the planned active travel improvements on Manchester Road, which will include 1.5km of new segregated cycle lanes, covered cycle parking, three new formal cycle crossings, a new formal pedestrian crossing, improved cycle and pedestrian crossings, and a junction with improved cycle facilities.

At the meeting, Councillor Alex Ross Shaw, Bradford Council's executive member for regeneration, planning, and transport, said: “This is one of the key routes into the city centre, and as and when the extra funding becomes available, we’ll be bringing this back.”

Cllr Bolt (Cons, Mirfield) pointed out the Authority had a goal of boosting the number of people cycling in West Yorkshire, and questioned the cycle improvements not taking place until Phase 2.

He said: “This is one of the key routes for people from Kirklees coming into Bradford by bike.

“Having used this route myself on a number of occasions, I can say it’s not one I look forward to.

“When are we going to make safer cycle routes for Kirklees residents?”

Officers said work was underway to identify future funding streams for cycling and other active travel measures.

Members voted to release £1.5m of funding to develop a full business case for the Park and Ride scheme.