A POIGNANT memorial service to bring comfort to those affected by the loss of a baby or child will be held in Bradford next month.

The ‘Shared Memories Service’ brings bereaved families together in a supportive space and will take place at the Listening for Life Centre at Bradford Royal Infirmary on Saturday, June 8, from 11am.

The event, which will allow a quiet space to remember and reflect, is based around a children’s story dealing with the concept of death and bereavement.

This year the chosen book is ‘The Day the Sea Went Out and Never Came Back’ by author Margot Sunderland.

The service will also feature appropriate music and poems.

Reverend Stephen Lees, Church of England SPaRC Practitioner, said: “We know that the journey of grief can be slow and painful, and that the experience of loss can be wide – from early miscarriage to the death of a baby or a child.

"But it can be helpful and supportive to gather together and to remember with others, who have shared a similar heartache.

“The memorial event gives families the opportunity to talk to each other before and after the service, and that support is as much a key part as the service itself.

"In our time together we will use a mixture of different things to remember and reflect - hearing a story, the simple making of tokens, music, and quiet space. Through all these things we will remember those we have loved and lost.  

“We very much welcome individuals, couples or families. We especially cater for siblings and will have a separate children’s programme in an adjacent room. Their journey of grief also needs support.”

People are encouraged to bring along any photographs or mementos of their child which would be placed on a special memory table. 

Parents who have attended previous services have commented on how helpful and caring it has been to see the familiar faces of staff who cared for them and their children.

One said: “Having this time and the opportunity to be with other parents who have been through the same was really important.”

Another added: “We did not know what to expect but this was excellent; very touching, very caring, very special, very thoughtful.”

As well as parents, other family members, and friends who are also grieving are welcome to attend.

The event will last around 45 minutes plus time for refreshments. For further details, contact the SPaRC team on 01274 365819 or SPaRCteam@bthft.nhs.uk