PLANS to provide living accommodation for a security guard on a Holme Wood contractors’ yard have been refused.

The proposals called for a security cabin on a site of Holme Lane to include a bedroom – creating a “live/work unit".

Plans to turn the site into a contractors' yard with vehicle and plant storage and a security office were approved in 2022.

One condition of the original approval was that "the security cabin hereby permitted shall only be used for the purpose of providing site security and shall not be used as habitable accommodation". 

Earlier this year Liam Broadbent applied for permission to allow staff to live in the security office.

Refusing the plans, Bradford Council officers said: “There is no justification for why a work/ live unit is required on this site when it would be expected that site security could be provided on a shift basis and not someone residing on-site full time.

“The internal layout indicates the provision of a separate bathroom and bedroom, but a combined office and kitchen space.

“The layout does not provide dining space or a separate area for relaxation. Whilst each habitable space provides outlook and natural light, the internal layout does not provide future occupants with suitable living accommodation, to the detriment of residential amenity.”