POLICE have recovered a quad bike which was suspected to have been stolen - and carried out an arrest.

Officers from the Steerside Enforcement Team and police from the Bradford East division found the quad bike being unloaded from a trailer in Laisterdyke.

They said there was "no visible" vehicle identification number so they "recovered it as suspected stolen".

A spokesperson from the Steerside team added: "One male present was wanted by another force for driving offences and so was arrested."

The Steerside Enforcement Team works across Bradford district, deploying officers seven days a week in cars and on bikes. 

Operation Steerside was launched in 2016 specifically to tackle dangerous and anti-social driving in Bradford and evolved two years later into a multi-agency partnership to tackle crimes on the roads. 

People can report information to Operation Steerside on: bd.steerside@westyorkshire.pnn.police.uk