A BRADFORD community centre has been awarded a six-figure sum in National Lottery Funding.

St Oswald’s West End Centre, in Little Horton will benefit from a sum of £318,681 over the next three years.

This will go towards the Opening Doors for the Community project.

Its aim is to reduce social and digital isolation, the impact of the cost-of-living crisis, and encourage community cohesion in Little Horton and surrounding areas.

Centre manager Christine Mann said: “We are thrilled to have received this funding and humbled by all the support we have received from other organisations, St Oswald’s Church, our volunteers and most of all our clients who have supported all our efforts to secure this funding.

“I’d like to thank them all, as well as thank everyone who plays and supports the National Lottery.”

The project will provide free internet access, support with searching for jobs, and finding information and navigating online services.

Ms Mann feels as the world becomes more digital – such as bank branches closing – it puts up additional barriers for many people.

She said: “In spite of people saying people need to learn digital skills, but a lot of people are not able to do it, or don’t want to, or are a bit older and don’t know.”

Bradford Telegraph and Argus: A cake for the celebrationA cake for the celebration (Image: Telegraph & Argus)

Ms Mann added: “I’m computer literate but I get incredibly frustrated about speaking to someone about utility bills.

“It’s faceless.

“As you get older, dementia, that even more compounds the trouble.

“A lot are in ill health, it tries your patience.”

The centre ran an event to celebrate the launch of the project and receiving the funding.

Ms Mann spoke about the future and then members of the community were able to put across their thoughts and ask questions, followed by a buffet.

Some of those who attended gave their feedback on the centre and the event.

One person said: “Nice place, very welcoming and friendly atmosphere.”

Another said: “Good to find out more about what is happening in the future.

“Feel a part of the West End Centre Family and always feel at ease.”

The centre also runs a Community Allotment and Ms Mann has urged gardeners old and new to volunteer and share their skills.

Ms Mann said on the funding: “We are all so excited, it’s a cracking project and we look forward to seeing our old friends and making many new friends. Please feel free to come and join us.”