A NEW cycle track at a Bradford youth centre will help “raise aspirations through sport” – according to planning officers.

An application to build a hard surfaced cycle track on land behind the Springfield Youth Centre on Idlethorpe Way was revealed by Bradford Council earlier this Spring.

The application said the track would “use the existing sloping nature of the land, with the creation of mounds and embankments.

“It will be a curving track with a tarmacadam surface.”

The plans have now been approved – despite the concern of one resident that the new sports facility might cause anti-social behaviour.

Approving the work, planning officers said: “The proposal will secure a sport related scheme which will support the Youth Centre and the wider community.

“The Council recognises the importance of sport and recreation and the contribution these make to healthy lifestyles through opportunities for exercise.”

There had been one objection to the plans – a nearby resident who feared a cycle track would lead to a rise in anti-social behaviour.

Referring to this concern, planners said: “There is no evidence to suggest that the cycle track would create more anti-social behaviour. Its aim is provide an engaging environment and thereby raise aspirations through sport.”