A CAR has been seized by police after it was driven around a Bradford housing estate by youths "being a nuisance".

Officers from West Yorkshire Police's Steerside Enforcement Team said the Peugeot, which was causing problems at the Scholemoor estate, had no registered keeper or documentation.

It is now set to be scrapped, officers said.

A spokesperson for the team said: "We received reports from residents of this car frequently being driven around the housing estate by youths and generally being a nuisance.

"No keeper and no documents, it was seized to prevent further issues and is likely soon bound for the scrap heap."

West Yorkshire Police's Steerside Enforcement Team works across Bradford district, deploying officers seven days a week in cars and on bikes. 

Operation Steerside was launched in 2016 to tackle dangerous and anti-social driving in Bradford and has since evolved.

People can email bd.steerside@westyorkshire.pnn.police.uk to report information to the Steerside Enforcement Team.