A MAN caught with cocaine and cash in his home has been jailed for supplying drugs.

Bradford Crown Court heard that police were called to Luke Abbott’s house in Woodrow Drive, Low Moor, on June 26, 2021, on an unrelated matter following the sudden death of his three-month-old child.

Prosecutor Jemima Stephenson said officers who searched the house found items relating to drugs supply including three bags of cocaine with a street value of £2,700 as well benzocaine, which is used as a cutting agent, and £2,791 in cash.

A phone found in a bedroom contained text messages from seven months before the search that related to drug supply at street level, and notes relating to debts owed by customers.

In two interviews 32-year-old Abbott answered “no comment” to all questions. He later pleaded guilty to supply.

Miss Stephenson said Abbott played a significant role in the supply of drugs in that he had “an operational management function within a chain” and was selling directly to users.

Mitigating, Jonathan Turner said Abbott had obtained a loan from a finance company in order to pay off a drug debt rather than succumbing to pressure and working for the dealer.

However, he said he gave into the pressure of his own addiction as he was a heavy user of cocaine costing hundreds of pounds a week.

Abbott was said to be buying drugs and watering them down to supply his own habit and make loan repayments to the finance company.

Jailing Abbott for 36 months Mrs Recorder Taryn Turner said: “It seems quite clear to me from the cash and materials that were found in your property that this was manifestly a high-end operation. It was a lot of money and a lot of drugs.

“It was evidently a significant role. You did have a management function within the chain [and] there was clearly an expectation of significant financial advantage.”

She ordered the forfeiture and destruction of the drugs, and the forfeiture of the cash found at Abbott’s home.